microsystems on silicon

Integrated Circuits for Smart Detectors

The PIR detector IC combines all functions required for motion detection. It has to be assembled together with the pyro ceramic element in the same package. The main benefits are immunity against RF noise, cost and space saving.

The new generation digital and smart detectors based on MOS integrated circuits eliminate the need for any analog circuitry.

All MOS products are CMOS based and manufactured and tested to the highest standards.

PIR detector controller - Motion Sensing IC

Device name E910.97 E931.96
Differential PIR inputs channels 1 1
Digital filter Butterworth, BPF Butterworth, BPF
Voltage Regulator Switchable Zener shunt regulator Detector shunt regulator
Adjustable Sensitivity Adjustable On-Time & Output Enable

Programmable through serial interface
Supply Current 12uA 7uA
Unregulated Supply
3.3V to 40V

2.7V to 3.6V
Output Digital level REL Output Interrupt (Motion) combined with data